Newly started pioneer in Muroran city in Iburi sub-prefecture
From May of 2023, we started a new ministry center in Muroran city in Iburi sub-prefecture.
It seems that our journey never stops in one area. The holy spirit stirred in Abraham’s heart to move forward again to a unknow territory of Iburi sub-prefecture.
The principle applied in this new journey seems to be similar to all the other pioneering work either in Tokachi or Hiyama area. That is to pray and intercede until you sense the breakthrough. It will reveal in the real life as a result. When God is at work, you can feel and sense His presence everywhere as living proof in the unseen area.
Each day of our stay in Muroran, we enjoy the life there first, then we move into real work on the house. Since it is very old house, we need to renovate many places also. As always one project at a time until its completion.
Its a old house, but it will transform into something great soon. The neighbors were very kind people and we gave a small present for each household to introduce us to them.
It has been an empty house for the past 5 years. There has been several breakthrough already. One morning Abraham was impressed to pray for the city hall and we went to city hall to pray for the city. During the prayer God has showed us some evil influence to the city and we stood against the evil spirit and God assured us that the actual outcome to be seen soon in a real life.
Small breakthrough like this takes place each day of our stay in Muroran Ministry Center. It seems that as much as we feel breakthrough in our prayer , our work progresses and it shows in the changed reality soon. Small steps at a time!!